Your Elusive Creative Genius | Elizabeth Gilbert | TED Talks –

and a shorter version at

Thanks for the follow/link/like/reblog/comment and/or kind thought(s)

Thanks for the follow/link/like/reblog/comment and/or kind thought(s)


I’ve had many hundreds of thousands of comments on my various other WordPress blogs at
in recent years …true!) …obsessive or WHAT! Am really pleased you are enjoying my writings, as the reason I write is to share. However I am unable to keep up with the comments and was spending entire days just on replies on my various blog pages.

Though I’m rather “driven”, I still get really, really fatigued (there’s a few books there). so sorry can’t reply individually to all you good people scattered around the planet, but DO try to read as many as possible daily (and even moderate a few when I get a “mo”), I got swamped with comments on my various blogs, so have had to close them off on all of my blogs, except for one or two of particular interest to me – sorry and hope you can understand.

* “Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”

~ Franz Kafka

I do really appreciate your liking, linking to and/or following this blog (and “writing in”), so “thanks for the thanx”

“As we live and move and have our being, so from this vision, we create heaven in our own lives… and perhaps even heaven on earth.”

– craig (as inspired by Acts 17:28 and the words of Felicia Searcy)

“Aim at the earth and you may not get off the ground.a

“Aim at the stars and you may reach the moon.”

“Aim at heaven and you’ll have earth thrown in…

and you may even hit the stars.”

– craig (as inspired by the famous quote by CS Lewis – 24th May 2012)

“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

– Leonardo da Vinci

“When (or if ever) you arrive in heaven, let faith, hope and love be the wings that carried you there.”

– as adapted from the inspiring words of Jonathan Edwards, former minister in New England, Massachusetts

“The Greatest Race: Living by (with) faith, hope and love is the highest podium any person can reach, God’s podium that anyone stand on.”

– c

“Having pursued the goals, the dreams set before us and run the race with persistence and endurance, after giving it all. Then one day standing on the summit of life, breathing in the pure sweet oxygen of achievement, totally satisfied in running the greatest race, the race of life one that ANYONE can run and win.”



“If a man is called to be a street-sweeper,

he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted,

or Beethoven composed music, or

Shakespeare wrote poetry.

He should sweep streets so well

that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say,

here lived a great street sweeper

who did his job well.”

– Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.


Instead of trying to reply to each one of you, I’ll just keep on writing

“If the doctor told me I had six minutes to live, I’d type a little faster.”

The various books* that Craig “felt inspired to write” are available at


All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children –


“When the writer is no more , the value of your purchase will soar! “

Don’t worry about the world ending today…

as it’s already tomorrow in scenic and tranquil ‘little’ New Zealand


“I wish you well on a rainy day
I wish you rainbows to brighten your day
To feel your quiet moments with a special kind of warmth
to remind you that happiness can happen
when you least expect it.

I wish you rainbows to make you laugh and smile
to show you the simple beauty of life
and to give you the magic of dreams come true.

I wish you rainbows
I wish you well.”

– Larry S. Chengges

”Since I can never see your face,

And never shake you by the hand,

I send my soul through time and space

To greet you. You will understand.”

– James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915)

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Create Yourself. I am a Masterpiece. Brain Injury Awareness .


for more inspiring videos on head/brain injury see


“Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing what you can do…best.”


“You’re not disabled (limited) by your disabilities, you are able (enabled) by your abilities.”


“Together, one mind, one life (one small step at a time), let’s see how many people (and lives) we can encourage, impact, empower, enrich, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials.”



picture from

Paddleboard by Gemma Chapman (credit House of Travel)


“Dream, believe, achieve”

“Explore, dream, discover”

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and picture (above) from


Informing, educating, encouraging, empowering, igniting, uplifting (and perhaps even) inspiring”

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

British education reformer Sir Ken Robinson’s lecture on how schools are killing creativity is based around a charming anecdote about a doctor in the 1930s who, instead of medicating a struggling pupil, nurtured her love of dancing instead.

 Anderson cites some excruciating examples in his book TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking. Take the “famed author and business consultant” who claimed the main reason a series of businesses had made giant leaps forward is that they had hired his consultancy services. But when prompted, he was reluctant to – or couldn’t – elaborate on the precise thinking behind his methods.

Considerably more successful was British education reformer Sir Ken Robinson’s lecture on how schools are killing creativity, which he based around a charming anecdote about a doctor in the 1930s who, instead of medicating a struggling pupil, nurtured her love of dancing instead. After he urged her parents to send her to a dance school, that young girl grew up to be Andrew Lloyd ­Webber’s choreographer Gillian Lynne. Since making his presentation in 2006, Robinson’s speech has become the most viewed talk on the TED website, having been downloaded an impressive 35 million times.


for more on Ken Robinson see

“Follow your bliss” (thanks, Joseph Campbell)


“Write, create innovate”




“Together, one mind, one life (one small step at a time), let’s see how many people (and lives) we can encourage, impact, empower, enrich, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials.”


picture from


“Dream, believe, achieve”

“Explore, dream, discover”

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and picture (above) from


“Create, innovate and share”

Harnessing the power of the internet for GOOD…a better and brighter world.


You Are More than “Good Enough”

An inspiring story (message) from Sada K in overcoming obstacles in our lives.

Sada K. is a vocalist from Los Angeles, California. Raised in Kansas City, her parents brought her up in music and faith. Sada K. used these gifts when she toured with the Christian pop group Press Play, until she suffered a devastating injury to her knee, which took her off the road and away from performing. Her journey has had quite a few obstacles, but her faith has carried her back to music and performing. Her CD “Long Story Short” is available wherever music is sold. Today, Sada K. performs “Strength” (comp: Sada K.). She is accompanied by Dr. Marc Riley and the Hour of Power Orchestra.

You Are More than “Good Enough”

(the interview with Sada K starts after about 10 minutes)

Great singing (+ an inspiring message of faith and triumph over adversity).

for more of Sada’s great songs see


“shared by total unmusical” c

“Together, one mind, one life (one small step at a time), let’s see how many people (and lives) we can encourage, impact, empower, enrich, uplift and perhaps even inspire to reach their fullest potentials.”


We must not hate!


“We must not hate people,who have done wrong to us. For as soon as we begin to hate them, we become just like them, pathetic, bitter, and untrue.”

– William Shakespeare


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“Together, one mind, one life , one heart, one small step at a time, let’s plant the seeds of a better and brighter tomorrow.”

Featured Image -- 1223

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“In the midst of darkness light exists…and persists.”


“Together, one mind, one heart, one life (and one small step at a time), let’s  inspire the world.”


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Catch me if you can!


Hits of the seventies.


“Champions have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.”


Also see

“A champion of boxing, but also (and perhaps even more) a ‘champion of/for compassion, justice, peace (and the pursuit of it) and love’.”



“A champion of boxing, but also (and perhaps even more) a ‘champion of/for compassion, justice, peace (and the pursuit of it) and love’.”

“If your dreams don’t scare you, then your dreams are not BIG enough.”

Muhammad Ali


Shared by “totally unmusical” c

“Sharing, informing, educating, encouraging, empowering, igniting, uplifting (and perhaps even) inspiring”